Shelter Missions 2019 Outreach
Shelter Mission International held her first outreach program for the year in Liberia. It was successful. We were blessed to work with the Senior Pastor and members of Champions Tabernacle at Weasay Junction, Matadi Road, Fiamah-Sinkor, Monrovia, Liberia.
Our first visit was to Josikan International Academy, Weasay Junction, Sinkor, Monrovia Liberia. We were welcomed by the pupils of the school with a good rendition of songs, cultural dances, etc. We met with the Principal of the school, Pastor Mrs. Josephine Etietop, and the staffs. We met with the students of There is Hope Foundation. These are students who have lost either one or both parents within the Sinkor community. We presented some gift items such as crayons, pencils, slippers, pens, biscuits, etc. More will be said about this in the Causes section for There is Hope Foundation school supplies drive.
Our next stop was Mother Victoria Thomas Orphanage within the Sinkor region. We had an interactive session with Mother Victoria the head of the orphanage as well as the children, we also had a photoshoot with them. We gave out some items such as toiletries, slippers, pens, biscuits, etc. Details about additional needs of these children and how we can adopt them will be discussed here.
We rounded up our outreach with a visit to Kakata Central Prison which was three hours drive from Monrovia. The prison wardens gave us a warm welcome. We were granted supervised permission to speak with the inmates. It was a great opportunity for us to share the good news of our Lord Jesus Christ to them which they accepted gladly.
Gifts like toothbrushes, biscuits, and bathing soaps were presented to the inmates. However, it was not enough for the inmate population. But we made a promise to revisit with enough supplies to cover the entire population of more than 160 inmates. However, taking pictures inside the premises or with the inmates was prohibited.
We concluded our outreach with an outdoor program tagged “Come Let’s Praise the Lord”. It was a two-days live program that took place on the 7th and 8th of June 2019. The power of God was so present to save, heal, and deliver through the word ministration by His anointed ministers.
A big thank you to our Liberia team of volunteers and Pastor Petters Etietop and his wife Pastor Mrs. Josephine Etietop
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